What is ALS or Lou Gehrigs Disease? Imagine your body slowly deteriorating, you lose your ability to walk, your ability to move, your overall ability to function and your mind is aware of all of this.
This past year our Spartan Family was hit with this disease. Roommate, classmate, friend, & father Bob Frazier has been stricken with this disease and it is preventing him from being here tonight.
Bob is the strongest person I know - never complains, never showing how devastated he must feel as he is slowly losing functions that we take for granted.
On October 8, 2023, I will run Marathon #25 in honor of Bob.
I will be raising money in Bob's name for the Susan Mast Foundation.
The Susan Mast ALS Foundation helps individuals like Bob and their families - they lessen the burdens of ALS financially and emotionally through services such as respite care, equipment, support groups, meals, and so much more!