How to Support Your Loved One With ALS

I’m frequently asked about the best way to support a family living with ALS. The well-intentioned questioner often expresses concern about saying the wrong thing or imposing on the family’s time. These are understandable concerns but I think we often overcomplicate the situation. Instead, let’s take our cue from the beloved pets of the Schuen family. Meet Finn and Rue. Finn recently underwent surgery and was recovering at home. Rue snuggled right up to Finn, providing comfort and companionship. Let’s follow Rue’s example: show up, be present, share in their experience. For more information on supporting a loved one navigating ALS, please visit:

I love this quote from Amanda Helt Opelt:

“I will say that without a doubt, absence is more painful than someone’s imperfect presence, and silence is more wounding than someone’s awkward attempts at offering comfort. Love covers a multitude of imperfect words.”

Amanda Held Opelt in A Hole in the World

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